Would it help stop hackers by having a skill testing question that only a Vmax4 owner could answer before they could become a member ? Or something answerable by doing extensive research on the vmax4 ? Just trying to help
Hey, I really need your help....I have a 1993 v-max 4 750, and in the sec clucth one of the shoeramps are broke and i ordered in new ones but they are the wrong size and i hav a big race/run this weekend and that part store takes 10 days to get new ones in ....is there any other part for anything else that i can use...i really need my sled ...please help....thank you Sarah
looking for the reed blocks all 4,speedo cable,headlight,side panel(pull start handle side)and a little heat shield for the exhaust(front left corner,covers wiring and speedo cable) zip code 58237 Grafton North Dakota
how do i post something from craigslist?? what do i drag i have tryed it twice but both times it didnt wrk i want to post a link so pepole just click it & it takes them to the post thanks
every time i visit the site i have to log in even with the "remember me" box ticked i have to,this site is the only one thats doing it it never used to do it any ideas?
Captn- I am trying to post my sled in the garage, but after I get all the info compiled, it won't post it. I click the "add snowmobile" button at the bottom of the page, but it doesn't do anything.
Hi Eric, I was wondering if you have any of those 800 pipes still. I have the exhaust manifolds so I just need pipes. I have the yellow 92 w/flames that I had at your get together. Thanks Rick
Hey Eric, I just wanted to say it was a pleasure meeting you Saturday night, and was wondering if you had the information on the ice drags this Saturday at Iron River? Could you send me the address and a phone number of who to get in contact with?
Hi Capt
im noink (Gerry)
i seem to be having an issue getting email from the page
it goes into a loop asking for name password i hit remeber me but it loops
anything im doing wrong???
it worked fine last week and before.
this is not a rush priority when you can answer me thats fine
i'm glad to see this site still going thanks for all the work most have no idea how much it takes to keep it tuned up!!!!