2006 RX1 Recall Tach ?


New member
I am trying to find a way to hook up a recall tach on a 06 efi rx1 motor. I have motor in a dragster.

Thanks Ray
Can we see pic"s of the car and is this a jr comp car or just a JR?
How is your racing going this year?
Good to here from you ray.
I"m looking in to a jr comp car for myself, keep us posted, thanks again for sharing.
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This is a jr comp dragster for my Dayghter. It is a 185" wheel base. She runs 1/8 mile. Her best run was 7.41 at 96mph. It has a 2006 Yamaha rx1 efi motor.

My racing is going well this year. 2 finals 2 second places 3rd in points. All is good.

I can not get video to load goto my face book and the video is there. http://www.facebook.com/ray.vollender

Thanks Ray
I can"t find it on the facebook page?
Who built the chassis and are you happy with it?
THANKS again!
