95 v-max4 for sale,800cc,,plus Hauck 905cc,full race motor,race parts

Make me some offers guys,I'll sell this crap however I just want it gone from my garage!,I'll split motors,make some offers
I have a 95 I'm parting or selling,has a 2001 vmax skid in it,seat is descent,been recovered,panels r descent hood is excellent.800 motor,top end is off I was gona replace pistons,welded crank,by Hauck,cylinders r like new,crank is excellent,Hauck 905 motor,was told they only built like 5 of these,fires 180, comes with the cdi to run,Hauck venom single heads,with a extra new dome,v-force reeds,tmx38 mm carbs(Hauck still sells these for 1100$)2000 vmax primary&secondary clutches,were sent to Hauck,stage5 clutch kit,rear billet aluminum sheave put on primary,billet cover on secondary,clutches were also rebuilt.i think I still have reciept for clutch work and 800 crank work,I have several more parts for this,extra set of cases,excellent 750 cylinder,good half of a 750 crank,2 sets of stock carbs,wiring harnesses...I would love to sell this as a complete package..brand new 4 window digatron,this is the one that was on Craigslist,lol,it's not a old one,it may be discontinued that means this is rare then right???digatron was 550$ new with 4 exhaust probes
I need primary clutch text me ken 4402214159
more pics

bisically i am parting this crap out.
1 750 cylinder,stock reed&carb boot,nice useable condition50$
complete 905cc top end,cylinders,heads&coolant rail600$
complete 800 top end,excellent cylinders,heads&coolant rail450$
1-excellent condition stock 800 bottom end,crank was trud&welded,by hauck and all seals were replaced,also everthing else was new also at time of biuld,probly 700miles on this bottom end after work,have reciepts from hauck racing.500$
1-excellent condition 800 bottom end,it has been indexd to fire 180",i personally never had this bottom end apart to say for sure if its welded or not,but i know the motor ran 100%when it was last together.600$
cdi to run 800 engine fireing 180"250$(i do not know what company this box is from,i presume hauck racing)
primary&secondary clutches,hauck stage5 clutch kit,billet rear primary speed sheave,i have reciepts from hauck,375 for clutch kit,140 for sheave..46$for clutch buttons,,clutches r from a 01 vmax700,very low miles300$
....anything u see in pic make me a price and send offers,im also parting a black 95 800,it has a 01 vax700 skid under it.
750 crank case in pic,100$
38mm tmx carbs&filters350$(these still sell for 1100$ on hauck web site)
v force3 reeds look fairly new300$
v force2 (3)of them look good and 1 is missing a pedal150$pedals r replaceable
2 sets of reed spacers25$
1 half 750 crank excellent condition-100$
3 different sets of 8bu heads,each set is machind to diffenrent compression ratios
couple stock 800 cdi boxes,wiring,rack carbs,i may have it
4 window digatron,reads all 4 egts,specially bout for a vmax 4,basically brand new


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