Garage clean up

1 vmax complete engine 600 twin on excellent shape.( aviable soon) 750$
2 trailing arms from Vmax XTC 97 40$/each
1 chain case complet for Vmax XTC 97 150$
1 jackshaft for Vmax 5-6-700 twin and triple. 50$
All do not includ shipping. I always working for find a cheeper shipping price aviable on market
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sxrsist the crank are rempuved from a 99 SX with aprox 7500km. I do not longer have a crankcase, sold. I only having the parts ont the first post. All the rest sold.
can you work me out a deal on all the sx engine parts you have ?. i take it everything is in nice shape yet ?i am also looking for a pipe and muffler for a sx700
I'm in sask. I have a account through my work with dhl. If u can do dhl just send it freight collect. I can give u my account number
sxrsist unforyunably i sold the jugs and piston last night. For now i have only the crank. If you are always interressed make me offer.
