Need a motor/parts for 95 Vmax 4 800

Awsum O

New member
Hey everybody, I am looking for a motor for my 1995 Vmax 4 800. Long story short the connecting rod went through the cases and cylinder on the pull start side. I would need a set of cases and a cylinder as well as some crank work, connecting rod, piston etc. I would prefer to buy a complete motor to save a lot of work and time. I am currently on strike and don't exactly have a pile of cash kickin' around but I gotta start looking sometime and the longer I wait, the more I miss. Please let me know if you have something available or have any info.

Thanks very much, Owen M.

complete hauck motor, 95 800 motor with power up kit, complete hauck clutches, primary and secondary, set of psi quads. make an offer.
