Need Primary for 92 vmax 4?


New member
If anyone has a good primary Im willing to look at it. I just inherited the beast but it needs the clutch. I also need a windshield black and a seat if anyone is out there with these parts or knows someone with them let me know. Thanks call me anytime of the day 616-217 1630.
I might know someone with a clutch, I will have to check if he still has it.
What parts does the clutch need?? It might be cheaper?? And I have some extra parts. I had my seat redone at an upholster..
hey there DV8. I really need the whole thing, Its got a monster crack in sheave. To tell you the truth the sled was in about 3 big boxes and I went to work on it got it running used all the parts I had so I couldnt tell you whats bad, or missing. I think a full primary would be my best bet. Let me know what you find out. thanks for replying
Is the crack in the Fixed sheave or the Sliding sheave?? A whole assembly is going to run you around 150 dollars. Do you have the tools to take the primary off and disassemble it?
