Pipes and Studs & misc. race stuff FOR SALE


New member
I have the following for sale:

-96 Extreme Max Studs-1 inch, new in bag with nuts no backers $50 plus shipping.

-92 V-Max 4 pipes, stock, fresh hi-temp paint -excellent condition with Y-Pipes-$50 plus shipping.

-D&D racing, quick cool kit, with hoses, sump pump, used battery, 2 sets of couples, works good-great for racing-$150 new, sell for $50 plus shipping.

-Hauck blue race spring-used $5.00 plus shipping.

-Bender Orange race spring-used $5.00 plus shipping.

-Bender Race Helix-56/42, great for 600-700 SX's, used good cond. $20.00 plus shipping.

Also have many gears and chains to fit 94-02 V-Max and SX's. Sell cheap.

Thanks-email below or call 616-581-9662

I'll take the blue spring Pm me with payment details. Also, do you have a 92 vmax4 strut? I need one of them too.
Still looking, got lots more crap.

Its amazing what I have accumulated over the years. May have some V-4 gears for sale coming up. Gotta run a couple drags yet this year. The gears will be for a 1992 only and a chain. 93 and 94's different and 95-97's are different.

Otherwise thanks for the interest guys and pm me email me or call.

Take care. yamajeff17@hotmail.com

:sled: :banana_1:
How bout the studs.. How much are backers... Would they fit the stock track on an 04 RX-1 without scraping the heat exchangers.
Update on sold items to date 11-10-05

Thanks for the great interest guys. To date the below items are sold:

D&D quick cool down kit -SOLD

Hauck Blue Spring-SOLD

Thanks again guys, lots of stuff left though and all offers considered.

Quickest contact back from me is best by my regular email although PM's and calling is cool too.

Thanks -yamajeff17@hotmail.com 616-581-9662:i_need_sn :banana_1:

I love the banana guy!
