Time to down size.... Inventory reduction

Hi Looking for scissor set and tubes as long as there is no corrosion
spare ignition 93 750
did i see hydraulic brake parts tell me what you got
prices induvidually for each
800 pipes and head tubes
send to my home address please as i have trouble getting email on Vmax4 site

Email sent....

Hi Looking for scissor set and tubes as long as there is no corrosion
spare ignition 93 750
did i see hydraulic brake parts tell me what you got
prices induvidually for each
800 pipes and head tubes
send to my home address please as i have trouble getting email on Vmax4 site

get shipping cost to box 1373 elk point alberta, canada toa 1ao thanx AL CAN SEND U MONEY ORDER WHEN U RECIVEVE SEND OUT CLUTCH if that works for u
if u o to page 2`no 16 i called for the cost on the 55/48 cat helix u replied back the hole unit for 100 and i allso asked for one of the belts if they are still good so u have my mailin address get a cost at us postal service. thanx Al
Sry that has already been sold.....


if u o to page 2`no 16 i called for the cost on the 55/48 cat helix u replied back the hole unit for 100 and i allso asked for one of the belts if they are still good so u have my mailin address get a cost at us postal service. thanx Al
Hello looking for a set of strut cans ,roller secondary ,primary ,clutch cover,and 95 hood...do you have any of these? Price?
hi mike do you still have a jack shaft for a 92 vmax 4 long side and short and how much? or a 1 piece for an 800 thank you scott
