WTB labyrinthr seal

A friend of mine said if the seals are questionable that you can put lots of oil in the gas and if the engine runs better,the seals are junk.That sound right to you? I do know that good ones will have a bit of drag on the crank when you spin them around.I dont know what would produce scratch and dent to them inside the engine though???
Big scratck or dent produce more leak. On the pass I try to use a rubber seal inside each side of labyrinthe. The result; no difference betwin after on performance. A good shape labyrinthe are the best way.
What is the labyrinthe seal? Where are they? I may have some for you out of this 800 I just split open.
With the bus it' s more cheeper, but I dont know if the service are offer from USA to Canada. Probably with Grayhound but not sure. But watch for a quote with UPS or FedEx to G0A 3S0 Québec, Canada.
