1000cc big bore

That sled belongs to a YOUNG boy . It is not a big bore it is a 750 !!!!!!!!! I have emailed back and forth with him and asked questions and he did not know what I was talking about . I offered quad PSI pipes . and all he wants is stingers to make noise . I would think that after he puts stingers on It will likely be a 1350 cc engine ......!!!!!
Oh a big bore scientist this guys.

But It`s realy possible to make a 1000cc vmax but what is the best way to make it. It`s impossible without stroking the crank. What is the maximum for the crank?
we do have a individual in kindersley sask canada that has built a 1000 pro stocker vmax4 that is stroked he had 2 cut the cylinders and re weld them it took him 2 years 2 years to build it . it dynos at 285 hp and has been raced a lot in the usa race circuit the guys name is sandy ross i have seen this sled run only one of a kind . darcy rosentrotter built the pipes for the sled , it is one of the fastest sleds on the circuit .
Oh a big bore scientist this guys.

But It`s realy possible to make a 1000cc vmax but what is the best way to make it. It`s impossible without stroking the crank. What is the maximum for the crank?

It's been done without stroking the crank, just over bore stock cyl's. You have to match up pistons, find some with same pin and dome height as stock. Then machine the rest out if the piston to work with vmax rod and case
u might make the 1000 ccc with out stroking the crank but u will not get close to 285 hp that the stroked 1000cc makes
I know of only (1) vmax 4 that is over 1000 cc that has been dynoed by somebody other than Darcy Rosentretter. That is A to Z engines at 301 HP. The other motors at that time are Ross' and mine and they were pulled at Darcy's on his homemade dyno so the numbers are not comparable.

And yes you can get over 1000 cc with out stroking and the max you can stroke a stock crank is 64mm with out trenching the case and 76mm trenching the case unless you have a Billet small lower rod pin crank built
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CMR what is the piston you se for make 1000cc on standard Vmax 4 cylinder? Do you have a aftermarket cylinder aviable for V4? The 73mm piston? Do you sleeve the cylinder?
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and to get that 300 hp means u are redoing the stock crank case with another home made case as was explained to me buy sandy rose, and sandys numbers come from his track dyno which only 3 or 4 have ever been made buy some one in the usa and he was one of the lucky ones 2 buy
CMR what is the piston you se for make 1000cc on standard Vmax 4 cylinder? Do you have a aftermarket cylinder aviable for V4? The 73mm piston? Do you sleeve the cylinder?

The 1000 motor that i have for sale is a stock stroke motor. The Rosentretter engine was built around a big bore watercraft piston so they are readily available. The piston used depends on if your using a 750 or 800 bottom end because the wrist pins are 16mm or 18mm. After market billet cylinders are available however no power difference and they are too heavy, adding weight to a sled that is already incredibly expensive to lighten up.
and to get that 300 hp means u are redoing the stock crank case with another home made case as was explained to me buy sandy rose, and sandys numbers come from his track dyno which only 3 or 4 have ever been made buy some one in the usa and he was one of the lucky ones 2 buy

That engine was dynoed by the guy that built it(Rosentretter) on his own engine dyno. I have seen that sled sooooo many times on hannen's chassis dyno in michigan and if your making competitive power with one of these, there is nothing in the motor that resembles the original parts!

You are correct about the Dynojet 370 chassis dyno. They are very rare because of their cost. It is a modified chassis dyno containing an eddy current electric dyno. They are used for clutching and fine tuning on the motor only. You still need a crankshaft dyno to do any development work!
the vmax4 is no dout a peace of art and many people have done amazing works with them and they can drain ur bank account quickly as i,m sure u know
So who makes these after market billet cylinders? Where can you get them? I've heard of someone making them, but I can never find them.
I probably pick up my stroker crank for my 1000 imp project tomorrow. I arreted my choise for 64mm stoke crank and 70.5mm piston for 999cc engine. My new crank need to trenck the case. Now the next step is choise the cylinder for. I have many 750 core cylinder and probably 2-3 800. But I love the intake of 750 and I love the boost exhaust port on 800. Also I plan to make a bigger intake reed support on billet to accept a bigger reed and overbore VM44 carb. How many HP I loss without exhaust boost port? For the intake I plan tu use Mach Z reed.
When you stroke a crank you have to re-map your ports. None of the stock cyls are plug and play now. You have to buy a port program and input all your specs and crunch numbers.

Hp loss without the boost port would be more with the more rpm you plan to turn.
Plan to turn 10000rpm and yes I say for the port timing. When I instal the jug on the crankcase I adjust it with the shim under cylinder and a lot of porting.
I put picture later.
