Recent content by MrSled

  1. MrSled

    94 Vmax 4 Rear Shock Back in the day this was the only place I found for replacements.
  2. MrSled

    R-motion x rear suspension installed in 1995 vmax4 800

    If you using your phone. Yes they are ginormous and need to be reduced to at least 1024x768. If you have an IPhone you can do it right from the phone to the site.
  3. MrSled

    Short with studs VS long without

    I think a 144 in snow will hook better but if its ice underneath stud penetration is needed.
  4. MrSled

    Go to the forum section and click start thread upper left corner of that section. Or click on...

    Go to the forum section and click start thread upper left corner of that section. Or click on the FAQ.
  5. MrSled

    Do NOT make posts in your profile!!!! Post questions in the forums sections!!!

    Do NOT make posts in your profile!!!! Post questions in the forums sections!!!
  6. MrSled

    96 Vmax in Wisconsin
  7. MrSled

    1993 Yamaha sales brochure

    Right!! We forget how cool those were. I have some old ones but not sure I have the original year vmax4.
  8. MrSled

    1993 Yamaha sales brochure

  9. MrSled

    Looking for a Vmax4 to rebuild

    I have seen a few on Facebook Market Place.
  10. MrSled

    SRV 540

    Love the old SRV :) I had 2 of them.
  11. MrSled

    Yamaha Vmax-4 800 Collection For Sale

    I hear ya!!
  12. MrSled

    Yamaha Vmax-4 800 Collection For Sale

    Almost hate to remove it.
  13. MrSled

    Hydraulic brake bracket kits.

    Maybe mine is one of his brackets.
  14. MrSled

    Where to start where to start

    Id be sure to check the compression and clean carbs and get motor running first.
