92 v-max 4 really high idle help<<<<


New member
i have a 92 v max with psi quad pipes. its a 750 bored to an 800. idk what else is done to it i can find out tomarrow my problem is i cleaned my carbs and now it adles almost high enough for the sled to move what did i do wrong could you give me ideas and ill see if it works im new to the vmax s its my dads old sled. like what do i set the needles to i dont even know witch needles are witch help would be greatly apresiated

ps what are the things on the bottem of the float bowl
sounds like you put your throttle cable back on too tight, did you route it the same way it came off.
sounds like you put your throttle cable back on too tight, did you route it the same way it came off.

yea i did all that was done properly i think i adjusted somthing wrong what is on the bottow of the bowl that adjusts in and out with a hose and a needle running into the front of the carb :help:
doesnt sound familiar, can you post a picture? My carbs have nothing like that right on the float bowl. Im going out on a limb here but it almost sounds like a remote fuel screw adjustment. Have you tried turning the idle down with the white dial sort of thing right in the middle of the carb rack on the top, its right next to the throttle cable. I think a picture of that setup will help a bunch. Hopefully Al. P will see this thread, hes pretty slick with carbs.
Thanks rustman..but I may not be much help on this one...sounds like he`s got a variation of a dial a jet setup?
here`s a link..
does this look anything like what you have?


yes i found this out today i do have dial a jets now my question it how many turns out should they be. i know its a 750 bored to a 800, it has psi quad pipes, 130 main jets. and im sure there is outher stuff to but i have no clue where to go from here
thanks for the help everyone
That sounds like pretty small mains to me, was this sled ever raced on the grass? 135's were stock for '93 after finding out that 92's were too fat at 140 or something I cant remember. With PSI's on, shitty fuel and bored out I would want minimum of 140's. As far as tuning that dial-a-jet, no clue. Sorry but that's the truth. I may be naive but I'm not sure how a dial-a-jet would affect idle RPM unless they have the ability to add more fuel in the idle circuit as well. Hopefully someone with experience on that setup will read up and chime in.
I see you are from washington state. What altitude was this sled set up for? This might explain the 130 mains.
the 130 mains are for baseline and then more fuel is added with the dial a jets.

the high idle is caused by a lean condition.if you are sure that their are no air leaks,then you have a plugged pilot,or improperly adjusted air srews.
the 130 mains are for baseline and then more fuel is added with the dial a jets.

the high idle is caused by a lean condition.if you are sure that their are no air leaks,then you have a plugged pilot,or improperly adjusted air srews.

could you give me a quick rundown on how to adjust the air screw
