95 vmax4 forsale *hauck engine*

The headbolts are actually covered with white thread sealer. When he torqued down the heads it pushed out and looks like white buildup. The antifreeze is just spilled on the pan and there were no leaks...the sled is now stripped down.
quadzillaracer said:
Just left another voicemail on his cell phone. If he comes thru and helps make the wrong a right...then I will delete my above post and consider it made right. If not, then I truly see what type of person Mike really is!

I take it that he hasn't responed to you yet, it would be nice to see him do the right thing and square up with you. Does he post on any other boards?
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I'm sure he has been on here recently, but hasn't logged in.

I've tried to call and leave voicemails everyother day, yet no reply. To bad it has to be this way now. As I said, if he comes clean and contributes the $300 to fix the problem, then I'll delete every posting about this that I wrote and consider it settled.
