97 Vmax-4 (hard ones to find) $2750.00

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97 Vmax-4 800 (this is the hard ones to find), only has 3300 miles on it, runs and looks good
will soon be on ebay Buy it now, it will bring more than this on ebay

pics available

call or text 717-965-5119 Thanks John

l think you are selling yourself short, the one on evilbay has quite a few issues not limited to;
The seat has had new wood underneath which is too thick,
The tunnel has been butchered with some bracketry.
Dinged hood,
Been dinged on the left and the metal gusset near the strut mount is torn
side panels and nose cone rough
dinged belly pan

l would like a 97, i wouldnt pay that for that one here, and they command silly money out west/

..............''normal wear'' umm, thats relative i guess.
97 Vmax-4 800 (this is the hard ones to find), only has 3300 miles on it, runs and looks good
will soon be on ebay Buy it now, it will bring more than this on ebay

pics available

call or text 717-965-5119 Thanks John
Where dus it say Barn Find John..?????
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