Apex OR Nytro


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Had an attak; traded on a nytro. Not 100% sure i did the right thing. Apex is way more comfortable & has a lot more grunt up top. Nytro is definately a young skinny guy bump & grind sled.Low end grunt is silly tho.Can,t bottom the rear skid. If you have bad knees stay away. At 6'1" & 240 i get cramped after a while.
Apex hands down!

Fuel injected
Better suspension (IMO)
More power

The only thing I would do is rip off the stupid looking seat they have on the Apex and fit it with and RX1 seat and also put some RX1 handle bar covers on the handle bars of the Apex, I hate the unfinished look.
My thoughts exactly. The Apex is a larger, heavier sled ment for cruising and trail riding. The new version of the Nytro is Yamaha's answer to the snow cross market. It's designed for ditch banging and racing. Light and narrow, it likes to be thrown around while it's in the air.
Kind of like comparing a YZF 450 to the FZR 1300.
Buy the sled designed for most of your riding.

im not buying one of these but if i actually had money( im my dreams) i would buy an apex, mainly because im 6'2 and like 250 lbs lol... and i dont rly like the front end of the nytro...

i got the idea for this poll cuz i was watching the new 2008 snowcheck(or w.e its called) dvd i got... and really thought about what sled i would rather have (eh im a kid i like to dream)
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I would take Apex (or warrior the 136 one). I just can not see myself owning other than 4 cylinder sleds... LOL and I´m not that into jumping things. Trail cruising is my thing.

i have to share this with all i all ready voted and my riding styl is not for the nytro and i voted nytro based on the positive reports but i test drove one at our local yami dealer. great sled but it,s built like some say bump and grind and bang , they are light and top heavy, so they are jumping around like a jack rabbit, very good on the suspention u can hit hard and still be in control and u won,t bottom out the suspention. but i,m from the old school i,m a sit down shut up and hang on guy on a sled with stability so i can conentrate on the things i do well. if u are one that rides with ur knee on the seat and running board and ur flopping around while u ride then that sled is for u. so i suggest u test ride first then decide later. reminds me of the old phazer strut , i had one and raced it all modded out just hang on cause it,s flopping all over but allways recover ing. i,m to old for that any more, it would be a great snow cross racer for sure, but soory guys nothing like the old v4max i,m addicted to them just can,t get away, after u put a m10 on them they are the cadilac
Thats a tuff one. Thats like asking which french maid you want from Ike's oil change video. They all would sure be fun to ride...uh sleds I mean. I would go Nytro but in a XTX. French maid.....I'll take the shorter blonde.

I must say I voted for the Apex. I have a Vmax4, a RX1, and a 600XTC. The Vmax4 was my favorite untile I got the RX1 dialed in with a pair of snowtrackers. Now the RX1 is the one I like to drive the most (when I can get the kids off it). I love the power and sound of the RX1 so the same engine in an updated sled would be for me.
I have both and can say that the Apex/Attak is a great sled, but you still have to dial them all in.
The Attak I have took a lot of tuning to make it rail. New C&A Razor skis, and a little suspension tuning.
The Nytro when I drove the protos, was dialed in perfectly and thought that the sled outpeformed all others. I was disappointed when I drove my new one down the trail. I have the RTX Nytro and went thru 1 whole season before I had it set up to where I could ride it. Now it will rail better than the Attak and have it set up to trail ride almost even to the Attak.
Problem is with the Attak, if you have the suspension set really soft and you come up on a washout or bridge, expect a neck jarring.
On the Nytro, I have it set soft for the 1st 6 inches and because of the side springs it won't bottom out like the Attak will on the soft setting. The seating position, the transfer, torque, and feel of the Nytro is my favorite now. Very little clutching and the Nytro went thru the radar on Rib Lake at 114.7mph. Attak with clutching went thru at 119.1mph, and on the bottle at 132.6mph.
roomer has it that the new 2010 fx nitro mountain lites are faster than the apex and if thats the case yami has hit a home run with this sled and i,m goin 2 find out as i snow checked a 2010 153 blue and white Al
nytro rtx is definately awesome machine, but you have to spend time dialing in to your riding style. i am more of a trail blazer, so it took me a while to get the trails to feel comfortable. i just put my new c@a pro xt skis on it. exhaust,clutch,intake coming soon. might supercharge it if i have the money. i love this sled. pretty much stock i rode with a bunch of 800's this last season, i could keep up(somemes be ahead for the first 1000 feet. but top end was only 95-100 mph. i could jump a road and feel safe on this sled.


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vmaxdax - We did some secondary clutching, spring and helix only and had the Nytro run 114.4 mph through the radar, from a stock 103-105. The secondary is wrapped way too tight and needs to be loosened up for one thing. Then we found a 45/41 worked really good. I have yet to blow a belt on the sled which is pretty common for stock clutching.
that stupid looking seat is very functional by allowing me to shift weight front to rear. Sitting rearward pushes the skis down on acceleration out of the corner and also allows the rear of the sled to rotate
up date on this new 2010 nytro, have 2 say it is the best of both worlds u can sit very comfortable or stand up with ur feet in the sturps on the very rough going u just rock ur ankles with the the sled whenits very rough and u do not get any jarying motion in the back, and from 0 to 1000 ft its prety much the king on all the stock sleds and its very good in the mountains. we have a hill in the mountains that they call turbo mountain meaning only turboed sleds run up that grade, well 800r doos were trying 2 go up that hill and was unsucessfull but will asume if u put the right driver on the sled it probley makes it. well our stock mountain sled runs 2 the top with out the turbo. yes stock clutching sucks on these sleds, u can use the stock vmax4 ub10 weights with the gray secondary spring as its only got 5 raps. the stock spring has 6 raps and that causes the clutch 2 bind up on the sled and loose top end. smidth bros have a very good weight for it and its ajustable for adding weight on the heel and back side. i use that set up for the mountain. my snow drag set up is this and its wicked this sled can pull heavy weight in the primary and still hit the rev limiter. 70 gram drag&fly weights with 2 grams notched out for 5000 engage ment , i use the hauck orange spring that he use,s in the vmax4 10,200 set up and i use the siver primary that the vmax4 uses. allso go with one size smaller in the roolers for the primary. i have 2 tweek a little more weight in this set up so should be about 74 grams total weight. my problem is traction. the track they put on these sleds is deep snow only and its not stiff enough so it folds over. i raced 2 days this last week end and finished 2nd in the 700 stock class. beat one of the race sno pro 440 from cat allso , they are very fast sleds . allso u will find out that maching the secodary sheaves for true ness is a must they are out of round about ..............0.10 thou. they don,t need as much spring pressure as ud think they need a spring with more rate. bender allso has a very good spring which he made for his roller rooster secondary that was being used on the vmax4 its blue and white again a 5 coil spring with more rate than the stock yami springs. AL
