Birchwood radar run


New member
If anyone is interested, there is a radar run on Jan 30th, Noon to 3:30. Its being held on Lake Chetac. Directions, are Hwy 48, east of Birchwood, turn on East Shore Drive (it only goes one way, to the north), then follow it to Ol' Hayes Road, it would be a left at the "Y". Follow the signs to the boat landing. No clue what pay or entry is, just seen the flyer and passing the info along. Im going to call the guy running it to find out more info. They will be providing food and drinks. Im hoping that I feel good enuf to make a few passes, but who knows.
Ok, talked to the guy "running" it and had no clue how to set it up, so after talking to him, its 1000 feet (typical track), one hard pack track and one ice track side by side . They dont want entry fee, just more of a fun race the first year to see whats going to happen. Dont know if anyone wants to use it for a test and tune day on their sled, just throwing it out there.
