i could be wrong, but i think psi made 750 and 800 pipes. i'm sure someone who knows for sure will jump on this one.
They are different however I think a couple members have tried PSI 750 quads on an 800 and 800's on a 750.
No pictures? Where are you located, just in case someone wants to come and take a look at them? No offense, but you haven't been here too long and not too many people are going to send you $550 for something they haven't seen. There are a lot of guys on this site who are looking for those pipes. I might even be interested in buying them for an extra set.
:agree: I would be interested, but i want atleast see a picture first. It wuold be even better to see them first, but it is impossible because i live in Finland. could someone other member help me? It sounds too risky to send money and then just hope that pipes will come.

Juha :fishing:
First off i have been a member for about two years, take a look at the donations page under Rick Matuska. i bought the pipes from another member on this site. i do not have a camera to take a pic. OH well there sold anyways!
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harry hyde said:
First off i have been a member for about two years, take a look at the donations page under Rick Matuska. i bought the pipes from another member on this site. i do not have a camera to take a pic. OH well there sold anyways!

I believe they are sold.^^^^
