dial a jets for sale


Vmax-4 Senior Member
set of 4 dial a jets, handy for tuning. $100 shipped. They are used I bought them and never installed them.
Fuel Screw Adjuster
Don't neglect important fuel screw adjustments. We've made the time consuming adjusting of the hard to access fuel screw a snap with our Fuel Screw Adjuster. Install it on each Mikuni carb and you'll have easy access to the adjuster knob for the all important refinements you need to make, and you'll still have time for other important tuning.

Make/Model Stock Number Description Price Per
Yamaha/Yamaha All FS003 Fuel Screw Adjuster, 3 cyl $77.85 1 Buy

these are the ones I have. They are from Bender and I have 4, I don't know how to copy a link or I would.
do they come with any directions or anything or are they easy to put on? i am guessing they are the same as the ones fromm the link that vmax4rules put up above ?
I would have loved to sell you these when I posted them 1 year ago!! This post is a little old...
of coarse just comming on line this year , as i can see it most of whats on hear is from last year, but my dad allways said never any questioin a stupid one , if u don,t ask u will never know cause it could still be left over from last year cheers Al thanx
