Drag race ET's


Anyone here ver put a stock V-Max-4 on a set of timers in 660 on ice? I was wondering because I was looking at the World Series times and I wasn't impressed by the numbers they were running. When I was racing my Mach Z in 1996, I was running 6.6 in 660 right at 100 mph. They aren't much quicker than that now in the 800 stock class. I saw 6.2 at 102mph from the winning sled. What gives?
MIKE, I RAN MY 96 800 STOCK (set-up good) ON TIMERS IN 660 before i added quads.. I GONNA DIG OUT MY NOTES TO BE SHURE WHAT MY E.T. WAS, 6.6. sounds about right I THINK MY MPH WAS AROUND 101. MY 2000 SRX WAS AROUND 98 IN 660. JUST RAN 110mph IN 1000 f.t. WITH MY 2002. never have run my 95 on ice. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Start diggin, Tony.
I was going to go to the World Series that year, but didn't go. I should have. I also was raing a 1995 Mach 1 and a 1996 Formula III that ran very well also. A guy from our circuit won in 440 stock that year or the year after. We had stuff running pretty good. Back in 1995, I got to work on my sled for a day with Glenn Kafka. That was an educational day.
