Everyone was talking about VMAX4 motors for a GRAND

I was in a bidding war for a few 750's in the past. With the shipping and US exchange rate would have cost me well over $1200:3speechle :3speechle :3speechle So I had to see them go to another bidder.

Will see what going to happen with this one.
Yeah BUBS, but can you bolt that one right in and go? I have one that I just sold for $500 complete with jugs, heads, and all. Just put your carbs on and let er' rip! Had 125 lbs compression per cylinder, and I even pulled the heads and inspected the inside bore as well. Maybe I sold it too cheap?? Not sure, but fellow V-Max 4 member that I've done business with before is getting a good motor for a reasonable price. Had it listed on here for $600 or best and had no inquirys til now. Well, it's sold now thanks to this site! I appreciate it very much.
Judging from the pics I would deffinetly say its lacking in compression,I would deffinetly ask questions before buying it and why its tore apart like it is.
Quick:I agree everybody here is great,Dean and RDL do a fantastic job,Keep up the good work guys
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