Flying Eagle Drags


There was Drag races in Delta, WI this past weekend and 3 of our local Vmax -4's decided to invade.
800 TRAIL STOCK: Big Bore 904 brought out the stock 800 and can be
seen Launching against a Ski Doo Rev 800 sp in the finals Click Here.
800 IMPROVED STOCK: Puppy waxed a Nitro and can be seen by [URL=""]Clicking Here
[/URL] 1000 IMPROVED STOCK: Vmax-4 unleased his rath against a Mach Z 1000 with NOS

More pictures and to follow

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Great job Paul Susienka (bigbore904) and Curt Wald (Vmax-4), way to represent in winning dominate fashion! Paul, in that video I think the poor guy forgot that he was in a drag race. Well, I guess Ski-Doo and Cat can lay claim to their weight to power ratio...but there is always more with 4, plus these guys are driving sleds with only 1/2 a motor, LOL!

Way to represent the Caveman Racing crew guys! I can hardly wait for the Weenie Roast in less than 4-weeks...thats when the sh!t will hit the fan!

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