Good 750 for cheap on the east coast


New member
Probably to far away from most of you to make it worth while but it's worth a shot.

I have been trying to sell my 94 vmax locally for a while. With lots of recent law changes around here the used atv and sled market is in the dumps and even when I do get someone interested they end up saying it is too big or heavey for trail use. Most of you guys know better.

I was asking $2200, then 2000, then 1800.
Now priced $1200 for the summer. I have more than double that into it after a total engine rebuild 2 seasons ago.
Sled is located in Nova Scotia.

More pictures and details available if needed.

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94 max

Do you still have 94 vmax? Which big city are you close too?I'm in Ont. Would consider coming to get it.Seriously.Would make nice trip.It has to run good though. Might take 11 or 12 hours??How many KM,s?Please get back soon.
94 max

Heah, where are ya? i hope your not up visiting trailer park boys in N.B. are ya,ha ha ha.just kidding. I might if i come that way.
