Grass drags in Davison Michigan Sept 17th

Sounds like fun! Wish I was not putting in a crushed concrete driveway with my son on Saturday....I'm pretty sure he would prefer to be there as well:4fzfo8:
There's a lot of construction in that area. They're ripping up the pavement on Davison Rd. in front of the K of C, and the bridge over I-69 on Lapeer Rd. is closed.
If you're coming from the West, get off I-69 at Irish Rd., go North to Court St. (first light), go East until it ends at Gale Rd., then North. There's a side driveway to the K of C off Gale Rd.
If you're coming from the East, get off I-69 at M-15, go North to Lapeer Rd. (first light), go West to Gale Rd., go North to the side driveway to K of C.

