hauck 904 bigbore,complete-$800


New member
"8BU" triple exh port cylinders,big bored/plated and race ported, was used with howler pipes at 10,200rpm. This is all 4 cylinders,4 single ring wiseco pistons,18mm pins,both cylinder heads,headgaskets, and all 4 vforce reedblock assembly.. good job on porting, the heads were a little off so I did cut them to be the same.
I never ran the sled so I dont know how much power it makes,but have the clutch weight used,jetting from the bored carbs that was used with the topend. I will sell for $800


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thanx but all I am asking is $800 shipped in the USA, I dont have a cdi box. I did have a complete 180 ign. system but its already been sold. best thing you can do is get a mc4 msd system for these engines,with programable curves.
