Let's see some drag ET's


Back in 1996, I was drag racing a 96 Mach Z. The best I ever saw on our timers was 6.67 in 660 on ice. We also had a 97 Mach 1 700 that bested my time with a 6.66. I've never had any of my Vmaxxes on timers. Let's see some of yours!
All of our stuff was ISR legal stock stuff. Sure was fun. I've never been on a set of timers since. Only RADAR stuff now.
Took my 94 s/t out today to the thirsty turtle radar run. 93.8mph in 1000ft. Im pretty happy with that, it is all stock and the conditions were not the best Did 9 runs and all were within 1.5mph
I left before all the results were in, but one of the guys that stayed said I was 2nd fastest in the class 800cc stock. not bad for a 20 year old stock sled.
And I learned alot, I was running it like a drag race. straight line as quick as you can get to the other end. now i realize I should probally start in the middle heading alittle to the left side and let it walk to the right as I get to the end heading toward the radar gun. I figure the longer the distance the more speed I can get. Im not sure how that plan will work as the skis dont have much contact with the ice
