Mountain chassis


New member
I have whats left of my mountain sled, no motor, track or suspension or heat exchangers. Ski saddles are for SLP skis, has hydralic brake,800 case &shaft. SRX gas tank,newer seat, skid plate and custom tunnel (had 159") $400.00 + shipping. Hopper p.s. has lite weight hood. SOLD hood and hydraulic brake, but have another bracket for brake all you need is an SRX brake caliper and master cylinder. Now $200.00 + shipping SOLD
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Sorry to go off topic but how hard was that SRX fuel tank swap - it would be nice to have the extra 2 gallons.
Curious 2 !!!

:agree: :agree: :agree:

So, that adds 2 gals. ??????????

Sure could use that in my mtn riding & at 5-6mpg average!!

Cant wait to hear back on this one!!!
It's a fairly easy conversion, You need to install a second fuel pick-up in the gas tank. I'll try to get some pic's and measurements. You can buy the tank and seat from this sled for $100.00 +shipping Hopper.
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Looked it over again and I didn't have to worry about stock heat exchanger holes, should fit mountain max, seat may be a little long for standard +- 2" I'll get back to you when I have an answer and measurements. Hopper
turbogriesbach said:
It's a fairly easy conversion, You need to install a second fuel pick-up in the gas tank. I'll try to get some pic's and measurements. Hopper.

