Pulse coils


New member
So when I first picked the sled up the first thing I did was push the pickups by cuting and grooving the tabs maybe I went too much, my brother is a exl machinist and we decided it was + 1.5 advance any advice should I just go with a offset key and know exactly what I got ( this ? Is cause I still got low end bog)
2 degrees on timing will not be the cause of a low end bog. You should address the more common problems related to low end bogs. Dirty carbs? Bad clutching? Chassis problems?
Good point dansvan I just got sick to my stomach I did not pay much attn to what happened the night it was done I was counting on my good brother the machinist to get it right ? I hope your not right but I hope you are right weird place to be��
The top pick up would need to go towards the front of the machine and the bottom one would need to come up toward handlebars. Or in other words looking at the stator assy from the inside the pickups would need to be rotated clockwise.
So I just checked out to make sure the pickup coils were set right wich indeed they are so back to the carbs I go it just seems I shouldn't have to jet this engine so fat
Engine has 1 head gask. And two base wich is around .47 I put 800 pipes and mans. The coils are pushed 3 mm or so the air boxes have been cut on the top were the foam is placed it does have the plate inside. I made an exaust from a rpc can to hook up to stock pipe sounds good I haven't tested it yet , the chassis is down low as u can go with a ice track and I put a 96 chaincase and shaft and used one of my srx secondary to fit it other than that it's stock!! And also put fixed sheath on a 01 srx primary to run on the sled
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It had 47.5 pilots I put55 in to needles are all the way up and I put 148.8 mains in cause last time I was out plugs looked white as new in 660 now I did that there is no bog on the jack stand I got to get on the ice and try it
I would probably take the stock 800 settings and richen mains 1-2 jet sizes. Stock pilots, needle setting and fuel screw setting. I think your rich on transition. The needles right up is not normal even on a piped max.
