Samueljackson´s NEW Exciter (´89)

SamueLJackson made a new seat to his Exciter. Should match those PSI twins, Vmax600 (ported etc) engine, longtrack skid etc. pretty nice.

Pretty good IMO.

truly a work of art!!very nice. had a perfect 87 and traded it back in 95 shure wish i kept it!tracked it down to the current owner he lost a piston in it and parted it out.TRAGIC!!

A LYNX RCG skid is now fitted under this Exciter MOD with rebuildable shocks.

34 cm (13.38 inch) of TRUE travel in the skid. The skid is non-coupled, since the coupled skid is the way to hide bad suspension geometry desing IMO.

vmax4rules said:
Nice job on all the mods, from the looks of the driveway it must have got warm recently?

+ 2c and rain in Kemijärvi (the pics are from there). Still great snow up here where I live. More promised by the weahter forecast for tomorrow.

