seat pieces n parts


I have whats left of a 93 seat (vmax4) there is no cover...but the foam is all there..and the front and rear plastic is there...before I toss it I figured I would check here just incase someone has some funky project going on and needs it....if you do just let me know...Its free...all I would want is the actual shipping cost...otherwise its going to the dump...Mike
What would shipping be to 97702 Zip Code?
Am looking to do some customizing for my 94ST seat.
My wife does upholstery in her shop here at home & this could get us an idea of what to work with.
Rob, Ill bring it to work tomorrow to check the weight and let you know tommorrow night...I would much rather give it to someone that might be able to use it than throw it away fact i even have the old cover that goes with it (ripped and torn bad) but that might also help her ......Mike
Mike: Were you able to get an idea on $$ for the shipping cost?
Am interested in what we could do.
Regards, Rob
not to great at shipping but as far as I can figure its gonna be around $30 through the post office, again all i would want is actual shipping so I could just send it out and let you know what it cost, Mike
