Smashed 96 800 on ebay in MICHIGAN

Love the comment: "Alignment is off a little" LOL:3speechle

Yep a good parts sled, or helluva summer project!!!!
I had a tree stop a 1981 Exciter once!!:cussing:

Totaled the poor thing, took the motor, threw it in the infamous Yammie
81 SRX when Yammie pulled all those 440 LC motors back then.
Actually, that turned out to be a fun little sled even if it only had the 440 fan in that chassis.
Not sure who got it, but I did go and look at it. Engine ran fine, however the hit was so bad that it not only trashed the alum. subframe it also buckled the tunnel behind the left footrest....seemed to be a parts sled to .02.......ALLSEASONRIDER
