vmax-4 bender quad pipes

I know that those pipes were taken off of a 92 750. I'm thinking you probably don't want them. I am no pipe expert, but I would think that the bender’s were different for an 800, but I‘m not sure..
I thiink they are differant.. the 750 pipes are smaller inlet and outlet vs the 800's. The exact differances are posted here on the site..but i believe the 750's were 7/8" or 1" and the 800's were 1- 1/8"... But i could be wrong.
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I thought bender pipes were the same??..I know the PSI pipes are different, but I coulda swore bender used the same pipes on 750`s, and 800`s???
Thats entirly possible... im no wizard.. lol.. thought thats what i read here somewhere... Soooo much information on this site its hard to keep it all straight!! Didn't mean to lead anybody a stray....
Only one set of Bender quads as far as I know. I'm running Bender's on mine (1996) and I really like them. I haven't had any fouling problems in the slow tight trails like I thought I would. I recommend ceramic coating them to help keep the heat in them and 9000rpm to 9200rpm seems to be the sweet spot by my stock tach but they are pulling hard by 6000rpm. Man I never get tiered of hearing quads at 9000 while swimming in two feet of snow! "Grip'n and Grin'n" Ya yaaaa.
