Search results

  1. mark the shark

    800cc cdi on 93 750cc

  2. mark the shark

    '96 Hauck Pro Stock on ebay Shark
  3. mark the shark

    '92 with 70,000 miles. LOL Shark
  4. mark the shark

    VHS tape of '92 clutch update, offered to dealer's only Shark
  5. mark the shark

    New front bumper screen for '92 Shark
  6. mark the shark

    More PSI Quad Pipe Information

    This is the paperwork I got with my PSI quads for my '93
  7. mark the shark

    '92-'93 Clutch Upgrade Kit

    Thanks to Ken for originally posting this: Yamaha has a factory clutch kit for the 92 and 93 models to upgrade the secondary clutch to the teflon bushings that they started using in the 94 models. No machining is requred and the kit includes: 1 - small secondary bushing (teflon) 1 - large...
  8. mark the shark

    Canadian Vmax-4 Production numbers

    From the Yamaha Sled Talk blog page.
  9. mark the shark

    Yamaha Drive Belts

    Chart with Yamaha drive belts from 1970 to 2004
  10. mark the shark

    Vmax-4 Horsepower

    92 Vmax-4 = 135hp 93-94 = 140 hp 95-97 = 145-147 hp
  11. mark the shark

    Reichard's 4403 Vmax-4 Dyno Tune Kit Instructions

    Reichard's 4403 Vmax-4 Dyno Tune Kit Instructions
  12. mark the shark

    Vmax Clutching and Gearing Chart

    This poster was given to me by Roadrunner and vrodlisa
  13. mark the shark

    '93 on ebay - newly rebuilt Shark
  14. mark the shark

    Clean looking '94 on ebay, no motor Shark
  15. mark the shark

    Aluminum skis on ebay Shark
  16. mark the shark

    Birth of the Vmax-4

    Story of the development of the Vmax-4. Click to see part 1 Click to see part 2
  17. mark the shark

    New '93 38 Deg. helix on ebay Shark
  18. mark the shark


    Is the TORS light on the dash coming on? If the thumb throttle on the handlebar isn't operating properly it will cause symptoms like you have. Sometimes it takes a little shot of silicone or teflon spray to get it loosened up. Shark
  19. mark the shark


    Is the TORS light on the dash coming on? If the thumb throttle on the handlebar isn't operating properly it will cause symptoms like you have. Sometimes it takes a little shot of silicone or teflon spray to get it loosened up. Shark
  20. mark the shark

    Parting out '92 Vmax-4

    Here's a link to an engine for a '92: The guy says he's parting out the whole sled. Look at his "other items" and he's got some parts for other years, too. Shark
