Search results

  1. Carllaponte


    Thought of Al P yesterday. I was pulling the carbs to get sleds ready for season and noticed some stuffing coming out of the handlbar pad area. At first I thought that's wierd I don't remember there being any insulation in there. Then it hit me, "WARNING!!! MICE WILL EAT YOUR VMAX 4!!!" I...
  2. Carllaponte

    F/S Purple Skid Plate

    F/S Purple Skid plate off my 93---$60 plus shipping See pictures below for condition......
  3. Carllaponte

    Bender Silencer on eBay

    Here you go, for the members that wanted the one I just sold:
  4. Carllaponte

    OEM Windy on Ebay

    Some one needs to grab this quick. I have a few but still having a hard time not buying it for only $50!
  5. Carllaponte

    Thank you J Bic

    Jamie was nice enough to let me and Nitrozola come out to his house for a few test laps. I wanted to do some testing on my 95 and Nytrozola wanted to check the Exhaust and Nitros installed on his Nitro. Did not go so well for my 95, looks like I'll be pulling it apart again this weekend but...
  6. Carllaponte

    WTB OEM Bogie Wheels

    Looking for OEM Yamaha Bogie Wheels. I will end up media blasting, repainting, and replacing bearings but need good rubber. PM me here if you have any you want to sell or need any 750 or 800 parts to trade. Thanks.
  7. Carllaponte

    F/S Nice OEM Windy

    Very nice OEM Windy. No cracks or damage other then a few very light scuff's from cleaning. $90.00 plus shipping
  8. Carllaponte

    F/S---92 Secondary W/ 42-37 Helix

    **********SOLD********** This came off the 92 I just parted. Machine had 3170 miles and was running before I purchased. The A stampted the Helix indicates it is a 42-37. Selling secondary w/ Helix for $85 plus shipping.
  9. Carllaponte

    1992 Vmax 4 Part Out

    Local Dealer referred the owner of this sled to me. Sled was owned by an older gentleman that blew out his track did not know how to repair and wanted to trade sled in. With in the next few days I will update with better pictures and a list of parts (when I get time to tear into it and inspect...
  10. Carllaponte

    93/94 Secondary Helix

    I have a friend looking for a MULI-ANGLE Helix FOR 93-94 750 SECONDARY. 42-37. Please PM me if you have one you would part with.
  11. Carllaponte

    1997, 1996, and 1994 for sale on Vermont Craigs list

    These machines are owned by our member jst4fun. He is having computer problems so contacted me and asked me to post for him. 1997: $3,200 1996: $3,000 NOTE: 96/97 Package...
  12. Carllaponte

    RPC Twin's-----$250 (Milwaukee Craigslist)

    Saw on craigs list..
  13. Carllaponte

    Nice 96 for sale on Ebay
  14. Carllaponte

    Bearing Info for the Vmax 4

    Bearing Info-- Wanted to put together a reference sheet for Bearings. Everyone’s personal budget will dictate the bearings they use--- After doing some research this past summer I decided to replace my skid bearings w/ less expensive Chinese Bearings, and replace my chain case and spedo...
  15. Carllaponte

    WTB Adjustable Transfer Rods

    W/T/B adjustable transfer rods for my 96 vmax 600 XT skid. PM me here
  16. Carllaponte

    Chaincase Help

    I pulled the chaincases off both my 95 and 97 and replaced bearings and seals. Bearings were on back order for about 4-5 weeks. I can't remember if when little (too) gear is installed the grove for the spacer faces the motor or does it face away from the motor. I can't logically figure it out...
  17. Carllaponte

    F/S 800 Stock Exhaust System****SOLD****

    Nice upgrade for a 750. Stock 800 System good condition (no dents). Pulled off my 95 (2200 miles). -------Sold to Ryan------------------------
  18. Carllaponte

    96 Vmax 4 on Ebay
  19. Carllaponte

    PSI Quads on Ebay

    Do not appear to be in good shape and missing parts but thought someone may be interested?
  20. Carllaponte

    F/S 93 Hauck Helix----- 43/37

    F/S 93 43/37 Helix. (slight nick on one ramp) $90.00 plus the ride--------------SOLD-----------------------
