1996 VMAX 4

JERSEYJOE. PLEASE for the sake of all us that love and appreciate these sleds for what they were, and still are, don,t part that beauty out. Its the paper work, taxes, and the exchange rate that kicks the crap out of guys like me who would love to bring that into Ontario. Hang tight buddy, someone will buy it soon once the snow is in the air. Just couldn,t mind my own business when you said PART IT OUT. Sorry...Rob.
Guys. Forgot to mention in my post, that if you look closley at the skis, you will see what appears to be factory origional ski skins. Thats usually a first clue to me that this sled hasn,t had a whole lot of action, or the owner is absolutely anal about the appearance and up-keep of his sled. She,s a good one!!!!...Rob.
