1997 Yamaha Vmax-4


New member
1997 Yamaha Vmax-4
1209 miles
Aaen quad pipes
V-Force 3 reeds
Studded (studs wore down pretty good)
Adjustable transfer rods

The sled will be at Hay Days in booth HFC7 (Ulmer Racing).

Email: Srxspec@Gwtc.net

Phone: 605-387-2833











Got my 1997!!!!!!

Finally. Took me a few years andI got it. Now I' m as cool as Rustman!(Kidding). It's clean but not perfect but very nice w/ 1200 miles. FINALLY! Thanks to all of you who kept there eyes open for me.
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My new 1997 Vmax 4

I would like to thank expecially both Rustmand and Opsled. Not only have this guys been huge help w/ work t On my 93/96 vmax -4, and my 95 veax 600(Rustman w/ advise and oplsed fixing thngs I mess up) both guys have been pulling for me to find a 97. Pretty much everyday for past few years i spend hours searching for a 97. There were a few days I just missed and I walked around depressed, feeling sorry formeself for a few days! Today my dream came true thanks to Gary and Allan Ullmer. These guys were great and very fair to work with. I can't express how happy and thankfull I am.

This sled is not perfect but I would call it a 8.5 and all work needed will be fun to get the sled up to a 9.5. It has 1200 miles and I plan to put about 100 miles on it a year and enjooy it while still keeping in excelent condition!

You can see the shock in my face in the photo. This pictue was taken at 730 this morning and it's now 1.10 and my face still has same stupid surpised look.

Very thankful I went to hay days, but was hoping to find more vmax 4 stuff. I ended up upgrading all my Kline gear so I will look good on the 97 V-4, but was only able to find two vmax parts 1. a proaction skid in faird condition(for exra parts), 2. brand new light blue nose cone(I have to have painted)----We even spent 90% of the day walkng to swap meet looking for Vmax stuff. Very surprised I could not find more. With that sled this is a hay days I will never forget!

I will post pic's of the sled as i restore this fall winter.....

Thanks again everyone, and to this site which is resposible for me falling in live w/ these sleds!


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