800 pro stocker Looking for sponcer's in mich

cat eater

Ok setting up a 1995 800 pro stocker looking to run in michigan, looking for parts, sugestions any and all help, sponsor so far is Napa, Fastenal, mobile one they give products where they can, will represent you and recomend if its good stuff, I,m planning three races so far H&H in waterford, Onstead if it pans out and Hastings, figured it would not hurt to ask thanks Rick
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I know about Hastings and Onstead, but what's H&H in Waterford? I'm not too far from Waterford and would like to go to a local race, if we ever get any snow...or ice.

Are you referring to the incorrect spelling in the opening statement? Hmmm? Maybe we should have spell check on here to help us less fortunate at spelling.
I'm with you on the spelling , Howard hack built his own track at his house and does a run , thats where one stop perf test and tune that turbo record sled Ive know howard for about 6 years he has help me with the noss set up and racing rx1 super cool people he sell parts on ebay and has a garage set up for repair hes on totally yamaha he will be running his second annual with swat meet and venders at his house.
