Yeah thats a okay method..but before concluding the crank is off,.. using three straws, put one straw in cylinder nearest the clutch (lets call this cylinder 1), and one straw in cylinder 3 and another in cylinder 4..then, roll/rock the motor until you get both straws in cylinders 3 & 4 lined up..same hieght..then, slightly rock the motor back and fourth, and see if cylinder 1 is really at TDC???
Basicaly, do the opisite as you did..instead of putting cylinder 1 on TDC, then checking cylinders 3 & 4...
put cylinders 3 & 4, even at half stroke..then check cylinder 1, by slghtly rocking the motor in either direction to see if it up (TDC?) & down the same amount with each rock of the motor in opisite directions.....that should give a bit better result..
Knowing when a piston is truely at TDC, can be VERY dificult without a dial gauge...
at the point where the piston "appears" to be at TDC, the connecting rod, can actually be at a slght angle, which would throw off the other pistons, from where you think they should be at..
When i first got my vmax4, it had burnt down pistons...and..after reading a bit, I started worrying that my crank might be, I started checking it with first, I was convinced it was twisted...then, i read where the 800`s, are`nt known for twisting the i double checked, still seamed like it was off, so I basicaly lined up pistons in all sorts of differant position, to get more results, and finaly after screwing around with the straws, and painstakenly, measuring a bunch, I figured out it was okay...but again, at first, and quite a few times after the first measurement, i thought it was off...reason is, is because what i mentioned above...