95' 800 (8BU) CDI box for sale


Dimebag Darrell RIP
This box has the wiring modified to fit the 92-94 Vmax-4's, excellent upgrade for the earlier V4's.

$125.00 plus shipping, complete as shown.
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So this would work on a '92, am I correct? What is the difference between it and say a Bender (or any other shop) CDI?
Thx, Lewis
Lewis said:
So this would work on a '92, am I correct? What is the difference between it and say a Bender (or any other shop) CDI?
Thx, Lewis

From what I read in my Bender catalog it should plug right in,
this would be a good upgrade if you wanted to run higher than
stock rpms - like around 9000 or so which is where Aaen, Reichards, Hauck & Bender quads spin at.
I dont' know if there is any difference between a stock 8BU box vs an aftermarket box,
except the A/M offers 180 & 90 firing vs 90 on the stock OEM box.
Hey vmax4rules,
Thanks for the info, I might be interested in the sled, depends what I decide on, "To sell or not to sell, that is the question"
But I asked this question to my dad and auto teacher and neither seemed to know what was meant by 180 vs 90 dg. firing angle, think you could enlighten me?
If whole round is 360deg. in 180 deg mode it fire two cylinders on same time (two pistons up same time). For this you need change your cranck position.
Stock 90deg. mode pistons are up one-by-one

A 180 degree crank is indexed and welded. The 750s needed the modification because of the harmonics in the crankshaft. If you fire the engine at 180, you are now running a big twin. I would think this would improve your lower end torque as twins are torque monsters. The 800 cranks were improved and did not really need the crank indexed. We will run 800's at 90 degrees, 10200 r's this year. The 180 750's with the mods done to the crank, no longer sound like the vmax-4. My gut feeling is the 800 at 10200 fired at 90 should stand the hair up on the back of your neck
Okay, thanks guys, then yes I would prob be interested in the CDI, I will send you a PM soon.
