95 Vmax 4 Decals ?


New member
Was told these are factory decals for a 95 vmax 4 I'm open to offers let me know what you guys think.

These look like the same decal set that Mad Powersports had on his 92 Vmax4. My guess is they are an aftermarket set for a 92 Vmax4 since they have pink in the color scheme. Tom
Sorry shoe not for sale my wife would kill me. As far as what they are I got them with my sled when I bought it, the guy told me he paid a fortune for them I really don't know what they go for. I don't want to rip anybody off but at the same time I don't want to just give them away. ( was hoping to use money from decals to put towards a tune-up I desperately need) I'll trade them for carb clean out and adjustment lol
Mad Powersports has not been here since april of 09' sent him another email asking where he was and if everything was ok. His site has been down for at least 3 months. Will ask him about the decals if he answers me.

