fuel pump

cat eater

Ok riddle me this one, both fuel pumps are junk on my RX1 they are seperate so how the hell do both fail at the same time? any one else have this happen or here about it.
Well no fuel, so i did compression check on motor, all good so i did vacume test on intake ports - 10 to 12 hg should be good so book says to hook up mighty vac and try it witch i did you get like -10 to -20 hg depends how fast you pump still know fuel. book says to replace pump so pulled them off seperated one to see whats going on looks like gaskets may have been leaking vacume side. no big deal but why both at same freakin time just has me stumped unless i had some crap fuel at a pump. just has me wondering.
Hmm, Don't know. Never had trouble with ours and haven't heard of anyone else either. Could have been something in the fuel I suppose. I'd ask on the 4 stroke side of TY. Maybe some answers there.

The only time I had one that wouldn't pump is when my son took his 05 apart to polish the tunnel. He washed and cleaned the tank and had turned it upside down in the process. One of the pickups had gotten hung up somehow and was up out of the fuel. Have you checked the pickups? lines/filters?

Just a thought.

No have not gone that deep because i have a electric for the juice and it uses the same pick up and it pulls fine with great fuel pressure just weird we ran it in the shop did a oil change pulled carbs cleaned check everything hyfax some boggie wheels and grease then the sombitch would not start been pissin with it since last weekend , it usally takes awhile to fill the bowls but after a half hour i figured something was wrong fuel to inlet but none on outlet.
Hmmmm, That is weird.

Something in the T setup or whatever you did for your electric pickup that won't allow the stock pumps to prime?

Is there a check valve in the electric? Could the stock pumps be trying to pull a prime backwards through the electric?

Pinch the supply to the electric and see what happens.

Dono, Just guessin here.

I know the RX pumps wont allow fuel to pass through them unless they are pumping. All my two strokes will. I always prime the systems by blowing into the tank's vent line (fill cap on and tight) with lung pressure. Fills the carbs right up on the two strokes. On the RX I put a bypass tube in to go around the pumps. Do the vent line blow to fill the carbs. Hook up the pumps and I'm off to the races.

You've got a new one I haven't seen.

Good Luck, opsled
I hear you have the pumps here at work with me have pulled them apart cleaned totally submerged them neither will pump with the mighty vac ive posted it on ty and googled a local guy has a used set put a call into him, I'm curious to see if a good set can be activated with the mighty vac i know my forarm is getting a work out they will only flow fuel if you fill the line and raise it above the pump and start vac it will flow untill empty, freakin weird

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[TD="colspan: 2"] ok figured it out seperated fuel pump and flipped the vac side gasket and whola works but yamaha dont make rebuild kits only sell new at 104 each gonna pick up a set used guess they dried out or something. [/TD]
Well thats the thing i dont use any stabelizer or additives i race this sled thru the summer so its always been running but now i gonna build the 800 4 i got and retire the rx1 to just trail so i will have to see about using that seafoam everyones talking about. it just struck me as funny as a mechanic its hard to condem two fuel pumps knowing the chances of them both going at the same moment in time its still baffaling i figured low comp loss of vacume any thing but both fuel pumps makes me wonder if the electric is causing it by pulling fuel and creating a vacume the other way and causing the gasket to fail, but it is only tied into one fuel pump and line. idk but still curios about it for sure
For any one that reads this later, I did put a used set of fuel pumps on , and they pump fine, still a little baffled as to why they failed at the same time.
