I Need a 92 Vmax-4 750 Bulkhead.

I was on an open Lake doing about 60mph. Not that fast at all. I hit a bump (hard) and when the sled came down it turned to the left and rolled. When I got up I noticed that the right side of the sled was all twisted. It turned out that sticking up through the ice was a 16 or 18 inch concrete pipe that had been dumped there. It was through the ice but under the snow (fresh powder) so you could not see it. Well it looks like the ski caught the pipe and smashed the whole ski and strut back about 6 inches and literaly ripped the bulkhead. Any one else would concider this a totaled sled for parts but I have too much into it now to just give up. So Now I will rebuild from the frame up. It will be like new when I'm done. Not that it wasn't before this happend.. I'll post pics on the msg board later. It's messed up bad. Certanly out of commision for this seasons sleding. I'm working on getting Skinner's brand new bulkhead. That will work out nice.
