IN SEARCH OF: A Few Foam Pieces


New member
hey guys... i assume there is supposed to be a coarse foam piece where the air (for the carbs) very first enters the hood (sorta behind the windshield)... i dont have one.... also i would like to find some un-used foam that goes around the airboxs to seal the air box to the hood... i need both of those if someone would happen to have them.....(i need 3 pieces total)

ill proabably end up making the pieces from scratch but i figured if someone had them and wanted to sell for cheap, it would be easier than messing around and cutting...
there`s one that sets just under the dash amd just infront of the steering collum..this one you could see while setting on your sled..
then there`s another, that is deeper in the dash..this one, you could only see with the hood up, and looking into the square holes in the hood...this filter is again under the dash, but towards the front of the sled in relation to the square carb intakes in the hood

i don`t have either...but just trying to help you describe which one/s ya need?

hmmm i dont think i have any foam in the hood that is related to filtering incoming air... so if there are two pieces in the hood i need them.... and then the two lighter colored ones that go on top of the air box like pictured here:

i tried looking on microfich for the hood foam and couldnt find it.... yamaha wants like almost $8 a piece for the ones on the airbox... ill just make them before i pay that....
i know that some pep have used shop vac filter its identical & sears or menards should carry it not the regular filter for dirt but they have some black stuff for when your just suckin up water & iv herd pep using carpet padding for the seal around the air box when the hood is closed it will seal up the top of the air box i think thats the 1 your lookin for
Yeah i have carpet padding around my air boxes..have for problems..i used the solid green padding..

I`ll try to take a pic later of the other filters..
Okay, here`s a couple pics..
here`s the ones i made out of carpet padding..LOL

Here`s the one under the dash, just infront of the steering collum...(where air first enters for carbs)

and here`s the other, that is deeper under the dash..its right infront of the square holes in the hood, towards the front of the sled..i made this one also, out of carpet padding...a stock one, would be somewhat light grey, simular in color to the stock filters, that set around the top of the air boxes....
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perfect! thanks for taking those pictures!... im definitly missing the one in the middle picture, ill have to check for the ones in the 3rd picture and the ones i have for on top of the air box are all torn up... im not sure what kind of foam ill find around the shop but ill find something
Hey, if all else fails...carpet padding works great for the ones on top of the box..and it`s free..take a ride on trash day, and you`ll find a life tme supply...LOL.(even though i wish i had the real nice looking stock ones)..

anyway, as far as that middle filter, it`s been missing on my 95 for years..never had a problem..i posted about it on here once, and got responces from a few people, who have been running their sled for a long time without one problems..

it is nice to have one there though, i can`t help but worry sometimes about a bunch of snow getting sucked into my carbs/motor..has`nt happened yet though..

