Last year I did a bad thing....


New member
So, I sold my 92 Vmax4 to Joe Rainville(John Deere snowmobile site celebrity) last year for some quick cash....Out of all the things I've sold, what do you think that I miss the most? Yes, my Vmax4..... I could try to pry Doug away from one of his, but does anyone in PA, NJ, or extreme southern NY have one they are willing to part with? I don't need a show sled....

Doug I may still take you up on one of those sleds we were emailing about, but I gotta try for a Vmax first!

Jersey Joe had a nice 800 on this site , pretty good deal. Check the classifieds and see if he still has it
I really hope you find another VMax-4!! I don't think you could pry Lisas' or my VMax-4 away from us!!
You know what I can get here, so if you are interested in one of them, let me know.
I have one in good shape.

I might be too far away for you I live in ontario. 92 VMAX4. Well maint. completly stock, not messed with. All alum. polished, new skins, sliders. email if interested. I might consider sharing the drive.
