looking for 93 V-max 4 front bumper

Do you need the actual metal bumper or the plastic nose cone? I have a brand new in the wrapper nosecone if thats what you need. i might have the metal bumper too. i have to check and make sure its not for my exciter sx. Let me know.
Welcome to the site! :schild27::schild27::schild27:

Sounds like yamaha kidd can help you out.

There are always Vmax-4's being parted out on ebay.

Thank you, I need the plastice nose cone. thanks for the quick response. I also need a left rear side reflector if you have any ideas n that. also intersted any any parts for a 1993 v-max 4. trying to get mine restored.
Thanks Shark, I have been all over ebay looking for parts. It might be early in season? there's not much there right noe for a 93 v-max 4.
Some parts are the same as vmax 500's and 600's. Also try sled salvage yards. alot of them are not on the net.
