Need help decoding Richards CDI chips


New member
Ok guys,
Who can crack the code and tell me want they are for?? Richards CDI chips


Thanks in advance
Hmmmmm, the seller "tiniest1" on ebay is fellow member VVMAX (Matt Smith). He's usually really good about sending out the parts. Maybe try sending him a PM.
Did You guys use paypal? If you have been cheated, they will cover your butt for the funds and chase down the seller. Often they freeze his ebay account and bank access so that he/she can,t put in or withdraw. This soon gets their attention. I have had to do this only once before and was happy with the results. BUT you need to file a dispute SOON to get the ball rolling as there is a time limit with such claims. Jamie if your guy is a runner, I,m betting you are SOL after a year. Hope this kinda helps...Rob.
Just to be clear. I have purchased much of Matt's stuff. We wheeled and dealed and traded a lot of cash and a few other things. He does not owe me anything. Well maybe a psi exhaust flange:) I just thought I had bought all his stuff. He must of found a few more. That's ok. Jamie, look at the chips I have. If either one of the 90 degree chips are what you need I will give it to you. Free. You helped me when I struggling with my last turbo sled. As did Matt.

