Parting out entire 94 vmax4.....make offer

Skidplate sold!

To anyone who wanted the secondary, its available.

I was promised multiple times that I would get paid on the 25th. This happened with the skid, track, and a couple other parts!

I put off good buyers because I promised to hold it for apparent liars.

Anyhow, its all going to eBay soon, so make an offer. :)
Im going out for a little bit, ill take pics tonight of all of what I have.
I have the plastic and headlight, Ill take a pic of the condition.

I'm looking for a right side strut bucket, strut shock,handle bar cover,hood cable,seat cover. Is that a stock 136, 136 tunnel? I'll check tomorrow to see if you replied
Its a 136. Id be happy to sell the skid and track. Its a 2" cut to clear the tunnel coolers.
Im cleaning my garage and getting the stuff lined up today. Pics will be avail. today or tomorrow.
Oh crap guys sorry. I never check this, thats why I ask to be emailed, I check that and always forget about this site. Im much more active on other sites since Ive had more kids and lost interest in sledding.

Ill get them up today.
