Parting Out: Wrecked '96 VMAX-4 800

Heads are not the same.


PS, AKsledr, If those cases are reparable I have a good output shaft for an 800.

I think the crank area is integral but the flange portion of the left side of the case where the stator cover attaches is broken off and gone. To have a running engine I'd need both case halves, output shaft and its bearing holder, stator and cover, but I'd rather sell the parts.
Hello interested in the steering sissors and knuckle and the right side strut can,,,,hows the windshiel im interested in that also
Sorry folks, I haven't looked on here for eons since I've got an '07 Vector Mountain. I don't remember if I replied to:
4banger, I'll have to look to see about the scisssors, knuckle and can, no windshield.
burnsry, still have the seat and skis, see earlier posts for pics and descriptions.
steve newcomb, exhaust is sold.

Still have skid but rails have a gentle sideways curve to them, and broken engine case but good crank and rods and bunch other parts.
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