What's left?
engine (see post above), oil pump & gear drive
skis, needs skins & skags, some edge bends but straight (considering putting these on my '95)
some front scissors & steering parts
instrument, dash, fairing, low windshield
rear skid, rails bent )), no rail caps
seat, see earlier post
chain case & contents, lower bearing bore is broken
carb set
wiring harness
stator & pickup coil, wires are cut
coil pack
track, some rips & tears, clips rusty
handle bars with control blocks & pad, no grip heaters, broken throttle flipper
oil tank
fuel pumps
rear bumper & cover
lots of other brackets & bolts
I'd like to sell all this, so make me a reasonable offer. Remember, I'm in Alaska so shipping for the big items might be kinda high, I like to use USPS flat rate boxes.