Polar Bear Riders Radar Run

Dave just idle along for 440' then let it rip! You'll probally still beat most the new sleds! When's your first race? Good luck and hope the fat guy in the red suit brings you all kinds of good stuff!
If I can get ANYTHING running I'll be there, hell I'll be there anyways.
maybe we could do some 660 runs sunday?
Checked the ice today; 16-17 inches of ice. I plan on running more north to south which should give me about 2500' of shut down. I'll know more once I get it plowed and shaved.
Checked the ice today; 16-17 inches of ice. I plan on running more north to south which should give me about 2500' of shut down. I'll know more once I get it plowed and shaved.
Here's a pic of the track, need to start shaving the ice next week. Hope to have some fast sleds again this year, have aleast 2300' of shut down, checked with a range finder.
