Poppie59 is a crook!


New member
Bought a sled from him, and he didn't have the primary clutch when we met to exchange the sled. He said he'd ship it to me, and now he won't answer any e-mails, or PM's. How's that for a fellow V-max4.com member. It's to bad that there are people like him out there to take advantage of others who are trusting. It's only a primary clutch, but I guess it means more to him than his reputation on here! So beware of purchasing anything from him. I won't mention his actual name on here, but if you want it, PM me and I'll be sure and give it to you!

Sounds like a title for a good song
"poppie59 is a crook"

Ya outta write the words

Maybe he's on vacation or out of town on biz
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Just went through this myself with a guy out of NY. He was on E-bay. Took me 5 months and a Police report to get anywhere with the guy. Like you said. It is not the money or the part, it is the fact that it only takes 1 ass to ruin it for everyone. Thanks for the heads up.
mind if i ask how long you have been sending him emails and pm`s?
also, how long ago did ya meet with him?
Been sending PM's ands e-mails for over a month now. Must be on a long vacation if that's the case. Doubt it though. Guess I'll have to go the police report route myself. Just wanted a heads up for the rest of the honest people on the site!
That sucks!!

I hope he is just away for some reason or his computer is pooched. But if it's the way he's going to do buisness around here he won't last long. Dean will shurely respond to this post soon.

I bought a piston for a 340 Indy Lite on ebay and it's been so long. I got to contact the person to find out if there is a tracking number. But I am staring to think I got the shaft. Will have to send a negative report on ebay if it does not get here soon. :cussing: :cussing:
wow thats a real bummer!!!! hope he makes good on the clutch for you and can clear this matter up!!.....geeze I bought a set of 38mm tmx carbs back in 98' from a guy in manitoba and he sent me the carbs, and said when I get them send him the check.......wow wish all online deals were so smooth...anyhow Poppie59 CLEAR THIS MATTER UP!
Always get the Full name, address and a verified phone # of the person when buying anything ! One can always ignore emails but, it's a different story if you know where he lives and also are able to call him at 2 am that suddenly makes people pay attention ! ? !
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file a police report with your state police. Even if they are in a different state. They will take the report and contact his state police. When they call the people have a different out-look on life. If they do not resolve, there will be a warrant added to their record. Sucks to do, but it does work.
I'd be surprised if the police would take a report. It's almost more like a civil breach of contract. If you do call and report it be sure and update us on what the outcome is.

Did you get the sled for a reasonable price and other than the missing clutch was it what you expected it to be?
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Yes, I think I got it for a reasonable price, and it was in decent shape. But the whole premise of the deal was, that the sled was complete minus carbs. When I met him, that was the case, but when I asked where the primary was he said he must have forgotten to bring it. He said he'd be sure and mail it to me when he got home. Well, it's been over a month now and he won't answer any e-mail, or PM's. I'm sure what happened is his kid took it to the srap yard for $$. He said his kid did the same thing with some good cylinders from the blown up engine. If he'd just admit thats what happened, or something similar, and just refund some of the cash I had to spend to replace the clutch, I'd be somewhat happier you know?
I had an issue with an Ebay sale. I had all the E-mails that were sent showing that the seller had agreed to sell the items and what the price was. They gave me a little hassel but took the report. With-in 3 days, the seller contacted me to clear it up so he did not have a warrant issued for them. The warrant would only be a "if stopped" warrant, but it is still on record. I had the same issue, no e-mail and no answer until I filed the paper work.
